Linking farmers to markets.
Nourishing Families. Building Farmers. Elevating SMEs.
Aselukhanyo is an infant born into aggregation space as of June 2018, and has been involved in the aggregation of mainly smallholder farmers into quality conscious food companies especially other upcoming food startups. The company focuses narrowly on the smallholder farmers, utilizing market access, as well as logistics enablement with technology and apparatus designed to amplify farmers.
The Aselukhanyo Story.
The company was established as a manufacturing concern into Agri-tech formerly through trying to attain the storage of meat products without refrigeration. The iNdalo Cooler is currently in prototype design and is an electric-less refrigeration system that utilizes natural elements to store and maintain quality, taste, etc. for perishable products that need refrigeration and not freezing. Aselukhanyo is also currently providing a middle man service connecting smallholder farmers to the city through a supply chain model that lets customers from restaurateurs, township and spaza-shops outlets see available produce and pricing and pick the supplier that will meet their needs and budget.
Mamkhhele Msongelwa is the founder and CEO of Aselukhanyo. He was a selected entrepreneur in Total’s Startupper of the Year challenge and won the FSAT Labs pitch challenge at AfricArena 2022. For his coal fridge, the prototyping is done in the University of Johannesburg Process Energy and Environmental Technology Station. This project has been connected from winning the French South African Agricultural Institute Social Innovation Competition, and will receive funding form the Technology Innovation Agency upon claim confirmations.