ENRICH in Africa project launches -

The ENRICH in Africa (EiA) project consortium has launched their website and  community platform as first steps towards connecting the EU and African innovation ecosystems. Interested entrepreneurs in Africa and Europe can now also enter the new soft-landing  programmes, powered by EiA, which have been designed to support internationalisation between  the two continents. EiA, funded through the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme and  coordinated by Steinbeis 2i in Germany, brings together many key stakeholders from the innovation  landscape of Europe and Africa to address the need for capacity upgrading of incubators,  accelerators, and entrepreneurs in both regions. The project aims to set up a network of incubators  and accelerators for the delivery of quality services for European and African innovators as well as  support the exchange of knowledge and co-creation activities between the two continents.  


• The official EiA Project website is now live: https://enrich-in-africa-project.eu/ • BondInnov and FSAT Labs are leading on the launch and coordination of the soft-landing  programmes supporting Africa-EU internationalisation: https://enrich-in-africa project.eu/soft-landing 

• #EiAcommunity launched on EuroQuity:  


Project Website Launch 

The newly launched EiA project page contains key information about the project, its progress and  hosts a repository for resources providing information for actors within the ecosystem. The website  is designed to function as the central point for innovation stakeholders to get hold of the latest 

materials, news and research produced in the framework of the EiA project. In addition, the  consortium is working on the development the EiA Centre’s website which will act as a central point  for the service portfolio offered by EiA.  

Soft-landing Programmes for Innovators 

BondInnov and FSATLabs, are taking the lead on a series of soft-landing programmes offering  selected entrepreneurs the opportunity to expand their business into another continent. Within  these soft–landing programmes, European and African SMEs and start-ups can deep-dive into new  markets and ecosystems with EiA partners supporting their adaptation and growth internationally.  These holistic soft-landing programmes act as a one-stop-shop for business support services including  access to local business networks, meeting potential investors, and offering tailored trainings. More  information about these programmes and how to apply is available via our website:  


EiA Community 

We are also pleased to announce the launch of the #EiAcommunity. The #EiAcommunity will offer a  vibrant hub bringing together key actors who operate within the EU – African innovation landscape 

and are devoted to enhancing innovation within the regions. Via the #EiAcommunity, we provide a  platform through which stakeholders can network, discuss, and explore collaboration opportunities  with the underlining aim to empower co-creation, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development. 

Hosted by EuroQuity, the EiA community offers an online matchmaking platform connecting  companies with peers, investors, and potential new partners. EiA community members will benefit  from the information and events drawn from across the activities of the project and other initiatives,  as well as accessing a wider community of 15000 companies (start-ups, SMEs, corporates), 2000  investors (VC, business angels, family offices, corporates, banks) and 1200 business support structures  (e.g., incubators, accelerators). 

Our community is open to all stakeholders within the innovation ecosystem of Europe and Africa,  including entrepreneurs, corporates, incubators, accelerators, decision makers and researchers. If you  are interested in joining this group of like-minded people, you can find out more about it via our  website: https://enrich-in-africa-project.eu/ or by accessing the EiA Community on EuroQuity:  https://www.euroquity.com/en/community/ENRICH-in-Africa 

Want to know more? Sign-up here for our upcoming newsletter, EiA Innovation Insights, to get the  latest innovation related news and opportunities from the two regions.  

Notes to Editor: 

About ENRICH in Africa: Funded by the European Union (Horizon 2020 programme), ENRICH in Africa is a project  designed to bring together core stakeholders from European and African innovation ecosystem to support and  strengthen innovative ventures, impacts and social development. 

EiA Consortium: The consortium is composed of Steinbeis 2i (Germany), Impact Hub (Austria), European  Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN – Belgium), Sociedade Portuguesa De Inovação (SPI - Portugal)  Agorize (France), Bondy Innovation (France), Co-Creation Hub (Nigeria), I-Hub (Kenya), Methys (South Africa),  Startupbootcamp Tech Accelerator (South Africa), Science Technology and Innovation Policy Research  Organisation (Tanzania), BPI France (France). 

ENRICH Network: ENRICH in Africa is a project within the global network of centres and hubs that promotes the  internationalisation of European science, technology, and innovation. Promoted by the European Commission,  the ENRICH network offers services to connect European research, technology, and business organisations with  global frontrunner innovation markets like Brazil, China, the US, India and now, Africa. More information:  https://www.enrichcentres.eu/ 

More information 

Press contact 



+31 6 287 777 98 

ENRICH in Africa has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research  and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101004709. This document reflects only the author’s view, and the Commission is not responsible for any use that  may be made of the information it contains.


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