Accessible communication for deaf & blind communities.
Creating diversity and inclusion through technology.
The DeafTouch focus is to set a higher bar for accessibility, providing answers to communication problems by delivering the communication tools necessary for all people to do their jobs and live their lives to the fullest extent imaginable. They design, create, and host advanced communication service software for businesses, governments and citizens around the globe.
The DeafTouch Story.
DeafTouch was founded by Claybourne Appies and Gashwen du Plessis. The company takes a collaborative approach to technological innovation. They recognize that necessity is the mother of all invention, and that demand for equal and effective communication among the Deaf and Hard of Hearing initially gave rise to their video call centre solutions. DeafTouch will always remain dedicated to serving the telecommunication needs of members of the disabilities communities, and thus seek input from those users of our technology. Additionally, their partner businesses, governments, and organizations have had an important voice in shaping the development of our technology. Their feedback not only helps create the highest quality of products and services, but it also expands the conversation about disabilities, telecommunications, and technological advancement on a larger scale.
Ultimately, their approach is very simple: they seek to fully understand the business, product, or service needed, as well as the specific needs of customers or end users. When we design solutions for a specific community, such as the Deaf or Blind Communities, we interact with the end users to determine what features and specific requirements need to be addressed so we can develop a specific solution that meets both the customers and end users needs