AfricArena 2019

On 11 and 12 November the 2019 edition of AfricArena will take place at the Century City Convention Centre. This year promises to be the greatest event yet with over 60 of the best startups from across the African continent coming to Cape Town to contest in various challenges put out by partners of AfricArena.

As partner to the event, FSAT Labs will be hosting a pitch training and coaching workshop at Workshop17 on Saturday and Sunday leading up to the event where more than 52 startups will sharpen their pitching skills, learn from each other in an unique un-conference experience followed by a venture capital dinner where these startups will be exposed to most of the 35 investors attending AfricArena 2019.

At the summit itself, FSAT Labs CEO, Renier Kriel, will feature on a panel discussion about Incubating and accelerating the next generation of African startups together with Matsi Modise from Simodisa as well as Ashwin Ravichandran from MEST.

Some of our startups will also features in the Arena, where they will be pitching against each other for FSAT Labs rising start award.

Finally FSAT Labs will be hosting a learning expedition of the Cape Town eco-system covering topics such as building startups in South African context, Startups for social inclusion, Fintech and Edtech. All topics that have a massive role to play in the development of Africa.

It is not too late to join us at this years AfricArena summit. For tickets head over to


FSAT Labs startups shine at AfricArena 2019


Our Season 5 Startups