Early stage investor?

FSAT Labs is calling for interested early stage investors (Angel, Seed, VC) to become part of our investor network.

The French South Africa Tech Labs (FSAT Labs) is an early stage business incubator that helps founders advance in the beginning stages of their startup journey. Twice a year, we select up to 10 startups to participate in a 6 month incubation program.

The startups (all being pre-product-market-fit) are selected into our program and differ in progress with some in their concept stage, while others are further along and have built a viable product. During the incubation program, our startups learn how to talk to users, build their product, pitch for investment, develop a scale plan and take the first steps to becoming a great CEO.

Towards the end of our program, most of our startups have reached a point where raising funding will accelerate their product development and customer acquisition efforts. Being successful in raising funds, founders are able to get to the scale phase sooner. It is for this reason that we want to connect our founders with angel or seed investors that could unlock mutually beneficial relationships. 


Through engaging with startups and investors, one thing that stands out is that both find it challenging to find good matches. The aim of our investor network is to establish mutually beneficial connections between our startups and participating investors. Our investor network is simply a collection of early stage investors that have expressed interest in engaging with our founders where applicable. 

What we need from investors:

  • Basic information about your investment efforts such as ticket size, stages, industry preference, frequency of investments, any other preference/criteria.

  • 1 hour video conferencing call with the FSAT Labs team to get to know you and to see where your investment interest lies. 

What you will get:

  • A quarterly newsletter with exclusive insights on progress of the various startups that we work with.

  • Opportunity to engage with startups for further information.

  • Access to our exclusive investor network events.


Join the investor network here


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