Meet HealthPulse

HealthPulse is an online platform that allows customers to rate their experience with healthcare providers, and supplies healthcare providers with customer feedback to make the necessary changes in order to stay relevant in an increasingly competitive market. The platform also provides insight for prospective customers to choose the best healthcare providers for themselves and their loved ones based on metrics.


The prospective adoption of the National Health Insurance (NHI) has 85% of the South African population having the opportunity to now choose who their healthcare providers will be. So, an opportunity now exists to create a platform that connects both customers and services providers in a customer centric environment. HealthPulse was created to empower customers to make a more informed decision about what healthcare practitioner to use through the rating system, and at the same time, improve healthcare providers services. 


Leon Hector and Marc Naidoo

Dr Marc Naidoo, founder of HealthPulse, healthcare practitioner and partner of Hector Naidoo and Associates Physiotherapy Group and Zempilo Tech, proudly serves in the healthcare sector as an educator, clinician, businessman and innovator. 

For the past 12 years, Marc has assisted with the development of the UCT undergraduate physiotherapy programme where he motivates and helps budding entrepreneurs to develop as leaders and innovators. Marc also assists businesses in strategic planning, operational restructuring, data augmentation and analysis so that they can create a client centric approach to market engagement. His greatest passion is to motivate people to develop so that they too can be a positive influence on the world. Being a dedicated family man and seeing it as a privilege to be a husband and a father, Marc considers it his greatest mission in life to ensure his children develop into world changers. He proudly serves his community and country by uplifting individuals to pursue their desire to be great leaders.

Mr Leron Hector, the founder of HealthPulse and healthcare practitioner graduated with an honours degree in Physiotherapy from the University of the Western Cape in 2007. He furthered his studies in management in 2012 through the Institute of Leadership and Management. 

Leron is a passionate entrepreneur, speaker and physiotherapist. He is the co-founder of Hector, Naidoo and Associates, a national physiotherapy practice and Zempilo Tech, a practice management and technology company. He is determined to play a role in the continued development and success of South Africa at a community level through leadership and youth development. Through Zempilo Tech, he coaches businesses and often speaks at events to motivate and challenge students. Leron is a proud husband, father and serving as an active member of his church where he volunteers at the Hillsong Africa Foundation Innovation Hub, a youth development programme. Leron also mentors young entrepreneurs and volunteers to provide health education and promote good health practices in society.


  • The people in your organisation are either the facilitators or barriers to success. 

  • Competence in one sector does not necessarily translate to competence in another sector of the market.

  • Clear lines of communication are always key, especially within your team. 

  • When building a digital solution, it is important to understand scope. 

  • If applicable, your solution should benefit the greater good of the general public. Marc and Leron have found that, in the healthcare space, most tech innovations are developed to benefit the practitioner, but there is a lack of innovations for clients and the general public. 


The platform is a space for the consumer's voice to be heard. We believe that everybody's voice is important in the health narrative - from stakeholders, practitioners, patients and family members. Hearing these voices empowers us to lift the quality of health care across the continent.


HealthPulse looks forward to seeing the platform mature as a customer centric tool. The team also looks forward to the future development of other tech based solutions for the healthcare sector to further improve customer service, quality of care and efficiency in the sector.


Get in touch with HealthPulse via email.


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